We understand that sometimes you may sign up using an email address that you no longer use, or you want to change.
This is why we have made changing the email address you use to login to your money tool straightforward, while maintaining your account security.
Just follow the simple steps below:
- Login to your account
- Click on your name in the upper right corner, then click “my account”
- Next to your current email address, click on the “edit” button
- On the next page, enter the new email address that you want to use, then click “send verification”
- Open your email app and click the “verify email address” link in the email we have just sent you
- You will be automatically taken back to the “my account” page, now click on the “...” next to your new email address and click “make default”
We hope that these steps have allowed you to change your login email. If you have any further questions, please contact us.