If you joined Octopus Money from Evestor, you will soon be able to choose from the 3 available portfolios directly within your online account.
When the new feature is live (in early April), start by logging in here and follow the instructions below:
1. Navigate to the account detail page for the GIA, ISA or pension that you'd like to change the portfolio on. Then 'Manage Funds' at the top of the page and 'Change portfolio'.
2. You'll see the 3 available portfolios, including the one that you currently have for your investments. Be sure to carefully read all the available information about these portfolios before choosing the one that feels right for you, and press 'switch to this portfolio'.
3. There will be a short delay while we generate your illustration to show you more details about your portfolio, so please don't refresh this page or leave until you can see links to your illustration and portfolio fact sheet. If you're happy, tick the box to agree to our terms and press 'Confirm'.
4. Once confirmed, you'll see a confirmation message, with an estimate for how long it will take us to carry out your request to switch your portfolio. You'll receive an email notification as soon as the switch is complete.
If you joined Octopus Money from Open Money, there was a level of advice provided with your investment. You would need to speak to a member of the team to get this advice and make sure you're choosing a portfolio that's right for you. Please contact us on investment.support@octopusmoney.com for more details and to discuss the options available to you.